dimecres, 9 de setembre del 2020

Getting Started with Your Document - 2

Page setup options

When you first create a Google document, you may want to change page setup options like page orientation, margins, or paper size, depending on the type of document you are creating. You can access these options by clicking Page setup in the File menu.

In the Page setup dialog, you can customize several options:

Page orientation is whether your page is oriented in portrait or landscape format. Landscape format means the page is oriented horizontally, while portrait format means it is oriented vertically.


Page margins are the gaps between the body of the document and the edge of the page.



Paper size lets you change the dimensions of the page. This is particularly useful if you are printing the document on a custom paper size.



Page color is the background color of the document. This may be useful as a decorative option if you plan on publishing your document on the Web.



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